Sunday, November 30, 2008

One Chip in motion

Well, I know it's been a while since an update...but I've been teaching myself some new tricks... I'm currently delving into the world of motion graphics. I still have some stuff to learn, but here's a first pass at animating my onecchip logo... still have some tweaking to do...but seeing how it's been a while..I figured you'd like to see what i've been up too... Stay tuned for more!

tweaked the animation a bit... nothing major, just a few timing changes :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

MIA no more

Hey everyone, sorry it's been so long between posts, been quite busy as of late... any who, here's the first album cover for Satans Pee Pee Happy Fun Time Band. I say album, due to the fact it's a vinyl cover... I'll be creating a cd cover for it as well... stay tuned, more to come... :)